Angel Smile


Crowns are ideal restoration for teeth that have been broken or have been weakened by decay or a very large filling. A crown could be used for a number of other reasons: you may have discoloured fillings and would like to improve the appearance of the tooth you may have had a root filling which… Continue reading Crowns

Bonded Crown

The damaged tooth is prepared. A crown with a metal base and porcelain coating is made. The crown is fixed in place. Under certain lighting, the metal base can sometimes be seen.

Categorised as Restorative

Anterior Crown

The tooth is prepared … … and an impression taken. A crown is made from the impression … … and fitted to the tooth.

Categorised as Restorative

Post Crown and Core build up

107 Teeth that have become severely compromised by decay, large fracture or big failed restorations often require full-coverage crowns to restore them to their original form and function. In cases where root canal therapy is needed. dentist must then evaluate whether there is enough structural integrity remaining to support a definitive crown by a core… Continue reading Post Crown and Core build up

Categorised as Restorative