Angel Smile

Missing Teeth Dental Solutions – Ways Your Dentist Can Replace Lost Teeth

Awkward smiles, speech troubles, damage to the jaw bone, headaches, or muscular aches – missing a tooth can cause several problems. Even a single missing tooth may cause the existing teeth to shift, causing problems like plaque and tartar to accumulate. The result – further tooth decay and periodontal illnesses. Most people may not realize… Continue reading Missing Teeth Dental Solutions – Ways Your Dentist Can Replace Lost Teeth

10 most asked questions about dental implants

You may have heard about dental implants or other tooth replacement options, but often people aren’t sure what exactly they are. So they ask many questions when losing a tooth and the various options available to replace it, depending on their budget and needs. Now, the two main options to replace missing teeth are getting… Continue reading 10 most asked questions about dental implants

Best Ways To Replace Your Missing Teeth

When dentures or false teeth are mentioned, most people create an image of their grandma’s set of teeth placed in a glass of water. However, significant advances in the dental industry have completely changed the dental replacement landscape. Modern false teeth are simpler, more natural-looking with more subtle fittings. We dare say that most of… Continue reading Best Ways To Replace Your Missing Teeth

Missing teeth? Why All-on-4 dental implants will make you smile again!

Losing your teeth can happen in different ways. You might have had an accident or an illness which caused your teeth to fall out or you’re simply getting older and your gums are receding. Obviously, this doesn’t only affect your self-esteem due to visible gaps in your smile, but also causes problems with eating foods.… Continue reading Missing teeth? Why All-on-4 dental implants will make you smile again!