Angel Smile

Veneers at Angel Smile

Veneers originated nearly one hundred years ago during the early days of the film industry. In the late 1920s, Dr Charles Pincus, a famed Hollywood dentist, conceived of veneers as a way to enhance actors’ and actresses’ smiles on the screen. He would temporarily apply false fronts to the stars’ teeth, giving them the stunning smiles that quickly became a trademark of Hollywood beauty.

Dental veneers are thin shells of medical-grade (ceramic or composite) that are attached to the front surfaces of teeth for an immediate smile transformation.

Over the past 30 years, developing dental technology has made veneers more lifelike and convenient than ever before.

The most natural-looking and durable veneers are made from porcelain, but composite materials are more economical.

Veneers at Angel SmileOften a small amount of tooth enamel must be removed to prepare the surface of the tooth and allow enough space for the dental veneer to be attached.

In order to qualify for veneers, patients must have healthy teeth and gums. Some patients who habitually grind their teeth and clench their jaw may not be suitable for receiving veneers.

The only way a patient can fully determine his or her candidacy for veneers is by scheduling an appointment with a skilled cosmetic dentist. After evaluating health history, current dental health, and the condition of a patient’s enamel, a dentist can make an informed decision regarding a patient’s suitability for this treatment. Alternative treatments for non-qualifying patients are recommended.

While tooth veneers are a good solution for improving the cosmetic appearance of teeth, they are not a restorative solution for decayed or heavily damaged teeth.

It is possible for veneers to come loose over time. In that case, new ones might be needed.