Angel Smile

What is an implant?

Dental implants are the best possible replacement option for a missing tooth. They are strong and designed to fuse with surrounding bone.

An implant is used to support one or more false teeth. It is a titanium screw that can replace the root of a tooth when it fails. Just like a tooth root, it is placed into the jawbone.

Before the development of dental implants, people with dentures were unable to chew many kinds of food; this has all changed with the widespread use of dental implants.

Dental implants are small fixtures placed under the gum to work as the roots of a missing tooth. A crown or artificial tooth is then fitted to match rest of your teeth and improve your smile/bite. An implant can replace one tooth or multiple teeth for a healthy smile that looks and feels natural. A dental implant is a titanium screw that fuses with the jawbone. The process of fusing an implant with bone, called osseointegration, involves connecting the implant with a component called an abutment that supports the crown.

Implants are a safe, well-established treatment. It’s probably true to say that implant much like natural teeth, will last for as long as you care for them.

What is an implant

An implant can replace one missing tooth, but as few as four implants can replace all the upper or lower teeth. The number depends on the quality and size of your jawbone. The longer the implant, the fewer implants needed to support the replacement of many teeth. Your replacement teeth will be attached to these implants. Soon, you’ll be able to chew just as you did with your natural teeth.

How well you look after your implants and whether you go for your regular maintenance appointments – will have the biggest impact on how long they will last.

If you have dentures or are missing teeth, implants can improve your quality of life and give you confidence when eating or smiling. They are easy to maintain by brushing and flossing, just like your natural teeth.

If you don’t look after your implants they will develop a coating similar to what you get on neglected natural teeth. Left untreated, this can lead to gum infection, bleeding, soreness and general discomfort. You could get all these problems with natural teeth.

Contact your dentist at Angel Smile to discuss your options.